With the Olympic break approaching, Seattle faced the reigning double champions today in a bid to retain their 4th place in the standings, just ahead of the Aces. This match was of utmost importance and both teams were in good form, with Seattle holding a record of 7 wins and 3 losses, and Las Vegas boasting 8 wins and 2 losses in their last ten games.
Skylar Diggins-Smith's recent performances were highlighted pre-game. In the Storm's last victory, she became the 34th player in the league to reach the 4,500 career points milestone and now ranks 15th in all-time WNBA assists.
The mascots of Seattle and Las Vegas teams were the stars of the day, delighting the thousands of children present at the Climate Pledge Arena for this special kids' day, with 12,500 fans in attendance. The supporters made themselves heard throughout the game, especially during free throws, trying to destabilize the Aces.

The game started well for Seattle with Skylar Diggins-Smith scoring a 2-2 and assisting Ezi Magbegor, leading Seattle to an 8-4 advantage before Las Vegas called a timeout. The Aces struggled with their shooting in the first quarter, with A'ja Wilson, who scored 28 points in the last game, managing only one basket out of six attempts. The Storm led 17-13 at the end of the first ten minutes.
Las Vegas found it difficult to find their rhythm at the beginning of this Western Conference clash, with only 6 successful shots out of 22 (27.3%). Only Jackie Young for Las Vegas managed to score 6 points. At halftime, Seattle led 36-30, with a balanced game and both defenses doing their job.
After the break, defensive intensity and several fouls led Jewell Loyd to return to the free throw line for her seventh attempt of the day (10/11 in the game). Then, A'ja Wilson went to the line twice in a row, reflecting the day's intensity on the court. Kelsey Plum tied the game at 45-45 with 4:41 remaining. Las Vegas then accelerated the pace in this third quarter, with a good run by Jackie Young, going on a 12-0 run against Seattle in the absence of A'ja Wilson, who was taken out after a blow to the face and examined in the locker room.
The last two baskets before the end of the quarter were made by Skylar Diggins-Smith, bringing Seattle within 5 points of the Aces.
Las Vegas, dominating this quarter, scored as many points as they did in the entire first half with 30 (compared to 9 for Seattle), catching up on their previous quarters' deficit and taking a slight lead going into the final ten minutes.

Three consecutive baskets by Joyner Holmes put the Storm back on track, bringing Seattle within two points with 7:28 remaining.
Las Vegas pulled away again, and the battle for rebounds raged between Ezi Magbegor and A'ja Wilson. Wilson emerged victorious from this long-distance duel with 20 rebounds for the game compared to 10 for Magbegor.
Jewell Loyd did everything she could to get back into the game, with her jump shot at 1:23 remaining bringing Seattle within two possessions. However, she missed her three-point attempt with six seconds left to tie the game, with A'ja Wilson grabbing the rebound and sealing the victory for the visiting team with her final two free throws, 84-79.
This Western showdown lived up to its promises and was decided in the final seconds. The 30 points scored by Las Vegas in the third quarter were decisive, allowing Las Vegas to secure the victory today.
For the Storm, Jewell Loyd finished the game with 28 points, Skylar Diggins-Smith added 16 points and 8 assists, and Ezi Magbegor recorded a double-double with 10 points and 10 rebounds.
On the Nevada side, A'ja Wilson was clutch, especially in the final quarter, achieving her first 20-20 career game with 24 points and 20 rebounds, heavily influencing the game's outcome. She was well supported by Jackie Young's 27 points, which reignited Las Vegas in the third quarter, along with 13 points from Kelsey Plum and 11 points from Chelsea Gray.
The Storm will play their penultimate home game against the Minnesota Lynx this Friday, while Las Vegas will travel to Atlanta to face the Dream.
Photos Credits: the Seattle Storm

À l'approche de la trêve olympique, Seattle affrontait aujourd’hui les doubles championnes en titre pour conserver leur 4ème place au classement, juste au-dessus des Aces. Ce match, à quatre journées du break avant les Jeux Olympiques de Paris, revêtait une importance capitale. Les deux équipes étaient en forme, avec des fiches respectives de 7 victoires pour 3 défaites pour le Storm, et 8 victoires pour 2 défaites pour Las Vegas sur leurs dix derniers matchs.
Les performances récentes de Skylar Diggins-Smith étaient mises en avant avant le match. Lors de la dernière victoire du Storm, elle est devenue la 34ème joueuse de la ligue à atteindre la barre des 4 500 points en carrière et se place désormais 15ème sur la liste des passes décisives de tous les temps en WNBA.
Les mascottes des équipes de Seattle et de Las Vegas ont été les stars de la journée, ravissant les milliers d'enfants présents au Climate Pledge Arena pour célébrer cette journée spéciale enfants, à laquelle 12 500 fans ont répondu présents. Les supporters se sont fait entendre tout au long de la rencontre, notamment lors des lancers francs, pour tenter de déstabiliser les Aces.

La partie commence bien pour Seattle avec Skylar Diggins-Smith, qui démarre avec un 2-2 et une passe décisive pour Ezi Magbegor, permettant à Seattle de mener 8-4 avant le temps mort demandé par Las Vegas. Les Aces ne sont pas très adroites dans ce premier quart-temps, avec A'ja Wilson, auteur de 28 points lors du dernier match, se contentant d'un panier sur six tentatives. Le Storm mène 17 à 13 à la fin des dix premières minutes.
Las Vegas peine à trouver ses marques en ce début de clash de la conférence Ouest, avec seulement 6 tirs réussis sur 22 (27,3%). Seule Jackie Young pour Las Vegas parvient à atteindre 6 points. À la pause, Seattle mène 36 à 30, le match est équilibré, et les deux défenses font le travail.
À la reprise, l'intensité défensive et plusieurs fautes amènent Jewell Loyd à retourner sur la ligne des lancers francs pour sa septième tentative de la journée (10/11 sur le match). Ensuite, A'ja Wilson s'y rend deux fois de suite, témoignant de l'intensité sur le parquet. Kelsey Plum égalise à 45 partout à 4:41. Las Vegas accélère ensuite le rythme en ce troisième quart-temps, avec une bonne série de Jackie Young, passant un 12-0 à Seattle en l'absence d'A'ja Wilson, sortie suite à un coup au visage et examinée au vestiaire.
Les deux derniers paniers avant la fin du quart sont l'œuvre de Skylar Diggins-Smith, qui ramène Seattle à 5 points derrière les Aces. Las Vegas, dominant largement ce quart-temps, marque autant de points que lors de toute la première mi-temps avec 30 (contre 9 pour Seattle), rattrapant leur retard des deux premiers quarts et prenant une légère avance avant d’entamer les dix dernières minutes.

Trois paniers consécutifs de Joyner Holmes remettent le Storm dans le sens de la marche, ramenant Seattle à deux points avec 7:28 restantes. Las Vegas se détache de nouveau, et la bataille au rebond fait rage entre Ezi Magbegor et A'ja Wilson. Wilson sortira vainqueur de ce duel à distance avec 20 rebonds sur la rencontre contre 10 pour Magbegor.
À 4:53 du terme de la rencontre, Seattle prend un temps mort pour tenter de trouver des solutions et rattraper les 7 points de retard. Jewell Loyd fait tout son possible pour revenir dans la partie, son jump shot à 1:23 du terme ramène Seattle à seulement deux possessions. Cependant, elle manque sa tentative à 3 points à six secondes de la fin pour égaliser, le rebond pris par A'ja Wilson et les deux derniers lancers francs de cette dernière scellent la victoire de l'équipe visiteuse 84 à 79.
Ce choc de l'Ouest aura tenu toutes ses promesses et la rencontre se sera décidée dans les toutes dernières secondes. Les 30 points marqués par Las Vegas lors du troisième quart-temps auront été déterminants, permettant à Las Vegas de l'emporter aujourd’hui.
Pour le Storm, Jewell Loyd termine la rencontre avec 28 points, Skylar Diggins-Smith ajoute 16 points et 8 passes décisives, et Ezi Magbegor réalise un double-double avec 10 points et 10 rebonds.
Du côté de la franchise du Nevada, A'ja Wilson aura été décisive, notamment dans le dernier quart-temps, réalisant son premier 20-20 en carrière avec 24 points et 20 rebonds, pesant lourd sur l'issue de la rencontre. Elle aura été bien épaulée par les 27 points de Jackie Young, qui aura relancé Las Vegas dans la course dans le troisième quart, ainsi que les 13 points de Kelsey Plum et 11 points de Chelsea Gray.
Le Storm jouera son avant-dernier match à domicile face au Lynx du Minnesota ce vendredi, tandis que Las Vegas voyagera à Atlanta pour rencontrer le Dream.
Photos Credits: the Seattle Storm

With the Olympic break approaching, Seattle faced the reigning double champions today in a bid to retain their 4th place in the standings, just ahead of the Aces. This match was of utmost importance and both teams were in good form, with Seattle holding a record of 7 wins and 3 losses, and Las Vegas boasting 8 wins and 2 losses in their last ten games.
Skylar Diggins-Smith's recent performances were highlighted pre-game. In the Storm's last victory, she became the 34th player in the league to reach the 4,500 career points milestone and now ranks 15th in all-time WNBA assists.
The mascots of Seattle and Las Vegas teams were the stars of the day, delighting the thousands of children present at the Climate Pledge Arena for this special kids' day, with 12,500 fans in attendance. The supporters made themselves heard throughout the game, especially during free throws, trying to destabilize the Aces.
Three consecutive baskets by Joyner Holmes put the Storm back on track, bringing Seattle within two points with 7:28 remaining.
Las Vegas pulled away again, and the battle for rebounds raged between Ezi Magbegor and A'ja Wilson. Wilson emerged victorious from this long-distance duel with 20 rebounds for the game compared to 10 for Magbegor.
Jewell Loyd did everything she could to get back into the game, with her jump shot at 1:23 remaining bringing Seattle within two possessions. However, she missed her three-point attempt with six seconds left to tie the game, with A'ja Wilson grabbing the rebound and sealing the victory for the visiting team with her final two free throws, 84-79.
This Western showdown lived up to its promises and was decided in the final seconds. The 30 points scored by Las Vegas in the third quarter were decisive, allowing Las Vegas to secure the victory today.
For the Storm, Jewell Loyd finished the game with 28 points, Skylar Diggins-Smith added 16 points and 8 assists, and Ezi Magbegor recorded a double-double with 10 points and 10 rebounds.
On the Nevada side, A'ja Wilson was clutch, especially in the final quarter, achieving her first 20-20 career game with 24 points and 20 rebounds, heavily influencing the game's outcome. She was well supported by Jackie Young's 27 points, which reignited Las Vegas in the third quarter, along with 13 points from Kelsey Plum and 11 points from Chelsea Gray.
The Storm will play their penultimate home game against the Minnesota Lynx this Friday, while Las Vegas will travel to Atlanta to face the Dream.
Photos Credits: the Seattle Storm